SOCIUS Members
Manuel António da Silva Abrantes
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Personal Data | Name: Manuel Abrantes
Email: manuel.abrantes@planapp.gov.pt
Academic Degrees | Graduation in European Studies from the University of Lisbon (2005). Master’s Degree in Sociology from the University of Amsterdam (2008). |
Current Professional Activity | PhD candidate in Economic and Organizational Sociology at the School of Economics and Management with the project “Domestic services and migrant workers: the negotiation of the employment relationship” (2010-14). The project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Sara Falcão Casaca (ISEG-UL) and Prof. Dra. Sarah van Walsum (VU Amsterdam), and supported by the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology through a four-year PhD grant. Since 2011, he is Guest Lecturer at the Open University Portugal, where he co-teaches Sociology of Work and Leisure to students of the Master’s Program in Women’s Studies. |
Domains of Research | Since 2008, he has participated in sociological research about work, gender relations, migrations, and political participation. |
Relevant Publications | Abrantes, Manuel - (Forthcoming). Yes, But What About Numbers? A Quantitative Contribution to the Study of Domestic Services in Europe. International Labour Review, 04/2013.
Abrantes, Manuel e João Peixoto - (2012). Género, Imigração e Flexibilidade Laboral: O Caso dos Serviços Domésticos. In Casaca, S.F. (Coord.), Mudanças Laborais e Relações de Género: Novos Vetores de (Des)Igualdade, pp. 133-164. Coimbra: Fundação Económicas & Almedina.
Abrantes, Manuel - (2012). You’re Not There to Make the World Any Cleaner: Domestic Services and Knowledge Societies. European Societies, 14 (3), 320-37.
Abrantes, Manuel - (2012). A Densidade da Sombra: Género, Imigração e Trabalho Doméstico. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 70, 91-110, free access
.Abrantes, Manuel - (2011). Borders: Opportunities and Risks for Immigrant Workers in Cities of the Netherlands. Saarbrücken: Lambert. |
Curriculum | https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/9F1E-07CE-898F |
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