SOCIUS Members

Manuel António da Silva Abrantes

Personal Data Name: Manuel Abrantes
Academic Degrees Graduation in European Studies from the University of Lisbon (2005). Master’s Degree in Sociology from the University of Amsterdam (2008).
Current Professional Activity PhD candidate in Economic and Organizational Sociology at the School of Economics and Management with the project “Domestic services and migrant workers: the negotiation of the employment relationship” (2010-14). The project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Sara Falcão Casaca (ISEG-UL) and Prof. Dra. Sarah van Walsum (VU Amsterdam), and supported by the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology through a four-year PhD grant. Since 2011, he is Guest Lecturer at the Open University Portugal, where he co-teaches Sociology of Work and Leisure to students of the Master’s Program in Women’s Studies.
Domains of Research Since 2008, he has participated in sociological research about work, gender relations, migrations, and political participation.
Relevant Publications Abrantes, Manuel - (Forthcoming). Yes, But What About Numbers? A Quantitative Contribution to the Study of Domestic Services in Europe. International Labour Review, 04/2013.

Abrantes, Manuel e João Peixoto - (2012). Género, Imigração e Flexibilidade Laboral: O Caso dos Serviços Domésticos. In Casaca, S.F. (Coord.), Mudanças Laborais e Relações de Género: Novos Vetores de (Des)Igualdade, pp. 133-164. Coimbra: Fundação Económicas & Almedina.

Abrantes, Manuel - (2012). You’re Not There to Make the World Any Cleaner: Domestic Services and Knowledge Societies. European Societies, 14 (3), 320-37.

Abrantes, Manuel - (2012). A Densidade da Sombra: Género, Imigração e Trabalho Doméstico. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 70, 91-110, free access

.Abrantes, Manuel - (2011). Borders: Opportunities and Risks for Immigrant Workers in Cities of the Netherlands. Saarbrücken: Lambert.